Almost everyone is online nowadays. Your business information being available online is no longer an edge but a must! Being online is another avenue to market your coffee cart so to gather audience and followers, you can use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even LinkedIn.
Social media is a great way to let people know the coffee and food that you offer, the places where you’ve been to and where your coffee cart or coffee van is currently stationed. Make sure to post something catchy and relevant to what you are offering.
You can also conduct surveys online. Let your customers suggest ideas and give you an honest opinion about your small business. This is another form of marketing research so you will know the pulse of your customer whether there is still something that needs to improve on your coffee flavours or where you should be stationed more. Make your customers feel that you listen to them also by replying to their questions.
To find out more about the importance of marketing your business on social media, click this link to view our Operations Manual https://bit.ly/2OMujuN
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