Performance review tips for employers

Prioritise accomplishments then move on to the areas that need improvement.


Performance review tips for employers

Performance reviews also highlight the key accomplishments that an employee was able to achieve and it sets the tone for a healthy conversation.

This is a window for you to motivate your employee because you are showing that you are not only focused on their mistakes but on his or her contributions as well.

  • Don’t overdo the niceties; make it just right to deliver your appreciation.

Then the hard part –discussing your take on the areas of one’s performance where an employee did poorly or inadequately.

  • Don’t sugar-coat your observations but keep calm as well.

This is not an opportunity for you to scold your employee but to objectively discuss how you can mend bad performance.

  • If you see that he or she have rated himself or herself differently, ask about that as well.
  • Is the bad performance due to a difference in perspective or misunderstanding of a policy or rule?
  • Get to the root cause of the problem and offer solutions.
  • Ask what your employee’s difficulties are and please allot enough time to listen.

You can also put the employee under training or coaching.

Remember to be honest because cloaking the performance review will not help your employee but will instead set them or your restaurant towards failure.

Our Staff Management Manual has all the templates included for conducting consistent performance reviews for your employees.

Click here to see more - Staff Management Manual

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