Rewarding Customer Loyalty

Rewarding Customer Loyalty

Rewarding Customer Loyalty

As we know, it’s always easier and more cost effective to get more business from an existing customer than to get business from a new customer. Too many businesses only reward new customers in a bid to attract new business, however, fail to do anything – or at best very little – to reward the loyalty of existing customers.

Here are some ideas to overcome this potential pitfall, by giving customers recognition and reward customer loyalty to make them feel special.

Appreciate Your Customers

Appreciate Your Customers

Do something or send something that shows you appreciate their custom. As a minimum this might be a simple but sincere verbal thank you, or a follow up thank you email. There may be times when you’ve welcomed guests or friends of your existing customers, maybe as part of a party. So, thank both the existing customer and the new customer who’s visited you for the first time.

Ask For Feedback

Ask For Feedback

A follow up thank you is also a second opportunity to get feedback too. Ask them about their experience. Did it meet or exceed their expectations? Ask for specifics such as what they enjoyed most and any ideas, comments or suggestions they have to make the experience even better. If they’ve previously given feedback, it’s an opportunity to let them know what you’ve done as a result, helping to re-establish trust.

Send Out Snail Mail

Send Out Snail Mail

How would your customers react to receiving something personal in the post, rather than clogging up their email inbox?

A simple personalised thank you note will not only show your appreciation, but it will give them something to remember you by. There’s nothing quite like something sent by good old-fashioned snail mail.  Even better, if it’s personalised and handwritten on a hand-picked greetings card.

Make Your Loyal Customers Feel Valued

Make Your Loyal Customers Feel Valued

Something that’s exclusive, not available to the masses makes people feel special and valued. It could be a simple token memento, or an exclusive offer, or useful information or tips that’s relevant to your business and customers’ interests. It doesn’t have to be big or expensive; it’s the thought that’s gone into it that counts.



Never underestimate the impact when you remember someone’s name or their personal preferences. Record their personal details and any special requirements so whoever is on duty the welcome your customer receives is consistent. Showing you know and understand them will always be appreciated and increase loyalty and add lifetime value.



The law of reciprocity means that if you give something to your loyal customers, you are setting the stage for them to do something for you in return. Whether this is repeat business, a referral or maybe a testimonial, any one of these will add benefit to your business. So, the more you can do to show your appreciation the greater the chance of staying on their radar and of them remaining loyal to you.


This blog was inspired from Naturally Loyal


Find out more about rewarding customers in our Operations Manual

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